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Authority Engineer’s Services

As Authority’s Engineer
  • Review the EPC Contractor’s design, consultant drawings and give approval based on the detailed engineering study and the requirements enumerated by the government authority in its tender document.
  • Review the quality assurance plan of the contractor and approve the material source and the materials used in the construction.
  • Review of the project progress and ensure its timely completion.

Independent Engineer Services

As Independent engineer
  • Review of the Drawings and Documents of Concessionaire.
  • Review, inspection and monitoring of Construction Works.
  • Review the monthly progress report furnish by theConcessionaire and sent its comments thereon to the Authority and the Concessionaire.
  • Conducting Tests on completion of construction and issuing Completion /Provisional certificate.
  • Review, inspection and monitoring of O & M.
  • Review, inspection and monitoring of Divestment Requirement.
  • Determining, as required under the Agreement, the costs of any works or servicesand/ or their reasonableness.
  • Determining, as required under the Agreement, the period or any extensionthereof, for performing any duty or obligation.
  • Assisting the Parties in resolution of disputes andUndertaking all other duties and functions in accordance with the Agreement.

Independent Quality Assurance

The Quality Assurance division has the competence to provide services as Independent Quality Assurance (IQA) Consultant in the following fields
  • Construction of residential and commercial projects.
  • Construction of highways projects.
  • Construction of ROBs and flyovers.
  • Irrigation projects.
  • Industrial projects.
  • Environmental engineering.
As an IQA consultant, the division can offer the following services to its clients
  • Provision of advisory services to the client & its supervisory staff on quality assurance & quality control measures during the execution of the work & assisting clients in technical audit of the work during the execution & on completion.
  • Ensuring that the contractor performs and executes the work in accordance with the specifications & scope of work as per contract agreement with the client and to examine and check that the field and laboratory test as has been performed by the contractor and to verify the same.
  • Conducting field and laboratory tests at site during the execution of the work and comparison of the same with test results as per tests conducted by the contractor.
  • Devising system for quality assurance and quality control and ensure that it is strictly followed during the execution of work. The number of tests and their frequency shall be strictly adhered as per relevant specifications/guidelines and quality control manuals.
  • Ensuring proper coordination between the client & the contractor so that there is no conflict between the requirement of quality and the speed of the work.
  • Verification of contractor’s running bills.
  • Prescription of quality control formats for various tests as per ISI Specifications and quality control guidelines and to ensure that the quality control formats for all the tests are regularly maintained for inspection by the supervisory staff of the client.